Health Articles

Painkillers 2

In my last newsletter, I wrote about pain for no reason. I discussed many different causes for such pain, but I did not say what to do about pain. This is not as simple an answer as most of us would like. Most people think of popping a pill when they feel pain, and there […]

Health Articles

Liver Health

Over the last month, I have noticed that I have had dry itchy eyes. Normally I would think this is a typical response to pollen. But there are two problems with this answer, I have never had hay fever before and we are past the pollen season. Additionally, my symptoms do not change with my […]

Health Articles


  We don’t like pain. That is a good thing, we aren’t supposed to like pain. Pain is the message our body uses to tell us something is wrong. If the pain is intense then it is telling us we need to do something about this problem right now. Some sort of damage is taking […]

Health Articles


About a hundred years ago, we had a big problem in this country — goiter. Back then about one-third of Americans had this disease! This is one of the late-stage manifestations of iodine deficiency. What is goiter? It is a swelling of the thyroid gland in your neck just above your collarbone. While this is […]

Health Articles

Bile Flow

                                            July 9, 2023 I suspect that most of you do not spend much time thinking about your bile flow. Perhaps if you have ever had gallbladder symptoms it may have crossed your mind […]

Health Articles


  The title sounds like a contradiction in terms.  Ketogenic diets are associated with eating lots of fatty meats, cheeses, eggs, and nuts.  Vegetarian diets, on the other hand, are associated with lots of steamed vegetables, salads, legumes, whole grains, and wheatgrass juice.  On the surface, these appear to be at opposite ends of the […]

Health Articles

What is Detox?

People are starting to bandy about the detox word more and more these days, yet when I ask them what detox actually means they generally have no idea.  They know it means doing some sort of special diet and maybe something else like taking special cleansing herbs.  But that seems to be about the extent […]

Health Articles

Protein Recycling

We live in a truly wonderful age for reasons we completely take for granted, like sewers and garbage service.  Turn the clock back just a couple hundred years and your typical London home had a cesspit beneath the house that, when full, would then flow into a trough in the middle of the street and hopefully flow […]

Health Articles


Last week I came across an article about the use ofcholine for the treatment of fatty liver disease.  This grabbed my attention because many years ago I had acquired fatty liver disease after flirting with fruitarianism for several months.  The primary cause of fatty liver is fructose (fruit sugar) or alcohol.  Half of regular white sugar is […]

Health Articles

New Year’s Detox

The New Year is almost upon us.  That means the socially obligatory sugar and carb feasting is finally over.  Most of us have had too many simple carbs and sugars over the last couple months and it has played havoc with our metabolisms, even if we are not feeling it.  Even if you have been divinely good, this […]