Health Articles


  I write a lot about different ways to improve your health, but I have missed writing about one of the simplest and most enjoyable health aids – vacations. So much in the health arena involves doing things like exercise, diet, proper sleep, and avoiding toxic environmental elements. These things are necessary, but not fun. […]

Health Articles


  The number one complaint patients have when they go to their primary doctor is a lack of energy. It used to be that this was the primary complaint of old people, but over the last several decades this has been a primary concern for younger and younger people. Now we hear this as a […]

Health Articles


  Is stretching a good idea for us? Why would we want to do it? When is it a bad idea? Stretching has been standard advice in the physical culture world for hundreds of years. Currently, the stretching postures called asanas in yoga are all the rage. I certainly hear many glowing reports from clients […]

Health Articles

Self Esteem

  A month ago our spiritual support circle embarked upon an investigation of the practical application of love. For the last couple of years, we have focused on various spiritual principles that are designed to unblock our functional participation with life. Ultimately, this was supposed to result in a greater flow of love in our […]

Health Articles


  Sinuses are kind of weird. An hour-long check of about 30 websites writing about sinuses shows an amazing lack of understanding about the purpose of our sinuses. The general consensus is that we are not sure what the sinuses are for. The conjecture is that they are there to humidify the air coming into the lungs, […]