Health Articles

Why Heat & Cold?

  This last week I had a couple of patients who were not doing as well as I expected on their follow-up visit. With both, I had recommended using hot and cold on the inflamed area at least once each day. They had not done this. The 110-degree days may have had something to do […]

Health Articles

Chronic Pain

  Pain is something we are all familiar with. When something happens to our body that is immediately not good for it, we get these signals from the injured area called pain. Pain is there to warn us that we need to do something right now to prevent further injury. Furthermore, that particular pain will […]

Health Articles

Eating Bamboo

  If you have been reading this newsletter for a while now you know that I am always looking for ways to create my favorite food items without using grains or sugars. Often I even take the next step and eliminate all carbohydrates from my diet. While eliminating carbs is not necessary for healthy people, […]

Health Articles


  Stress is a popular word that gets tossed around a lot these days. It gets this press because so much research has been done that says stress is the underlying cause of so much ill health. When you try to pin down just what is stress, everybody seems to have a different answer. This […]