Health Articles

Intermittent Fasting

Last week a patient asked me why I hadn’t written an article on intermittent fasting.  I was amazed, because it has been a mainstay of my lifestyle for years now.  I feel like I have written about it many times, but maybe I have never actually come out and named it by name.  Possibly this is because I […]

Health Articles


Most everyone loves ice cream, but we all know that ice cream is not good for us.  There is nothing healthful about it on any level.  It is full of toxic levels of sugar, high in inflammatory saturated fats, full of A1 casein that releases morphine receptor stimulators, and a basket load of interesting chemicals. […]

Health Articles

Veggie Brain Cleaning

I just spent last weekend at a seminar on brain aging and brain development in the young.  These two subjects were put together because the undeveloped brain of an infant or young child has a lot of similarities to the degenerated brain function as one ages and goes into dementia.  We begin life as a […]

Health Articles

Ketogenic Diet

Most of the health issues I write about really come down to the impact of inflammation on our various body tissues.  While inflammation is a vital function of the body to help us fight infection and heal from injury, too much inflammation or inflammation when it is not needed destroys our health and well being. […]

Health Articles

Miracle of Autophagy

When I first got the idea to move to my present location, everyone who looked at the spot thought I was crazy.  The building was in such bad condition that most folks thought I should just demolish the existing building and start over.  I didn’t have the funds to do anything quite that ambitious, but […]

Health Articles


Enzymes make everything happen in your body.  They are like little protein robots that take things apart and puts them back together in different ways.  They manufacture everything in our body.  They also disassemble foods we eat into basic building blocks, so we can build what we need to become us. We are experiencing an […]

Health Articles

More Starch Problems

Starchy foods have been a mainstay of the human diet for thousands of years.  For many people starchy foods provide their primary source of affordable calories each day.  While starches are a bad idea for a sizable portion of the population, they are very usable for the larger percentage of folks. Remember, we are all […]

Health Articles


Last week I was scanning various Internet medical news feeds looking for good items to put in the newsletter when I came across a study of cancer recurrence in breast cancer survivors in relation to eating patterns.  Specifically the study was looking to see if the timing of one’s eating pattern had any effect on […]

Health Articles

Belly Fat

There is fat and there is belly fat.  Most people think that the two are one and the same, but they are not.  Fat on your hips and tush and fat on your chest and arms are energy storage depots for times when you do not have a regular food supply.  In a healthy person […]

Health Articles

Vegetable Stew

Last newsletter I wrote about taking out the trash.  The trash I was talking about was the metabolic toxic waste our body is constantly producing just by being alive.  Some of these wastes are so toxic that if our release of them is delayed even a few minutes, we will die.  In this case I […]