Health Articles


PUFA’s, what’s that?  It sounds like a new line of cuddly toys for preschoolers.  What if I told you that they are the number one cause of chronic disease in America today?  Now it starts to sound a little more interesting.  So what are PUFA’s?  This acronym stands for Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids.  For practical […]

Health Articles

Death by Covid

Well, here we are at the 6-month point with this Covid 19 scare.  Nothing has gripped the American attention this strongly on personal levels since the threat of imminent nuclear destruction in the early 1960s.  Possibly the brief hullabaloo over Y2K causing the collapse of technology-based civilization may have grabbed some people’s imagination as strongly […]

Health Articles

Sleep 2

Sleep, the subject sounds like a totally boring topic.  After all, everybody sleeps, no big deal, right?  Everybody eats also, but how many books and articles,  podcasts, and websites are dedicated to the subject of eating?  Sleep is just as profound in its importance to our health.  There is a ton of research on the […]

Health Articles

Inhale, Exhale

Take a deep breath in and just hold it in a relaxed manner for a while. What makes you want to exhale? Now try the opposite, exhale all the way and just hold that state at rest for a bit. What makes you want to inhale? I don’t find any thinking involved, just a strong […]

Health Articles

Lockdown back

Over the last couple of months,s I have been working on a lot of people with odd back problems.  The oddity is that these back issues come on without any apparent cause.  I see this normally a few times each week, but now most of the back issues I see are of this type.  I […]