Health Articles

Rebuilding Joints

  Can we rebuild the cartilage in our joints once it has started to degenerate away? Most of my readers are over 45. so this is an important question for them. In truth, our joints start wearing down from age 25 on, but usually, we don’t feel it for 20+ years at least, unless we […]

Health Articles


  Last weekend I went to a seminar titled Building a Better Brain.  The seminar email said that it was about how to treat Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline.  The lecturer was a kick-ass gal from Georgia who really knew her stuff.  More importantly, she was in actual clinical practice dealing with real patients every day.  This […]

Health Articles

Liver Cleanse

Twice this last week patients asked me about how to cleanse their livers.  This is not a common question, but a very important one.  Nearly 80% of the detoxification, the removal of poisons from our body, is handled by our liver.  The rest is handled by our lungs, kidneys, and skin.  The bowels serve as […]

Health Articles

Protein Recycling

We live in a truly wonderful age for reasons we completely take for granted, like sewers and garbage service.  Turn the clock back just a couple hundred years and your typical London home had a cesspit beneath the house that, when full, would then flow into a trough in the middle of the street and hopefully flow […]

Health Articles


The theme for the beginning of the new year is detoxification.  I wrote about many simple ways to engage detoxification two weeks ago using diet.  I wanted to make sure everyone had time to get rid of all the junk food in the house and to stock up on plenty of leafy green vegetables and […]

Health Articles

New Year’s Detox

The New Year is almost upon us.  That means the socially obligatory sugar and carb feasting is finally over.  Most of us have had too many simple carbs and sugars over the last couple months and it has played havoc with our metabolisms, even if we are not feeling it.  Even if you have been divinely good, this […]

Health Articles

New Year’s Detox

The New Year is almost upon us.  That means the socially obligatory sugar and carb feasting is finally over.  Most of us have had too many simple carbs and sugarsover the last couple months and ithas played havoc with our metabolisms, even if we are not feeling it.  Even if you have been divinely good, this […]

Health Articles recipes

Broom bread

One of the important aspects of doing a detox diet is getting the poisons all the way out of your system.  In my past when I would do water fasts to clean out my system, there was no consideration for this need.  Water fasting is a very traditional method of detoxification, but I now believe […]

Health Articles


Poisons, poisons everywhere.  I have written many articles on the huge variety of poisons in our food, water, air, and living environments.  We have considered diet changes, water purification, air cleaners, and a host of replacement products for the toxic ones sold at the stores to clean our houses and selves with. But the truth is, […]

Health Articles

Toxic Stressors

What is toxic stress?  We have grown to perceive stress as a bad thing, but stress is like any other nutrient, the right amount is the right amount.  Our body grows [...]