Health Articles

Saturated Fat 2

  Saturated fat has been a boogeyman since the late 50s, ever since Ancil Keys decided to blame heart disease and atherosclerosis on saturated fats in his famous 7 countries study. The American medical system and the FDA jumped on his hypothesis and started a massive PR campaign to get people to stop eating saturated […]

Health Articles


A subject that frequently comes up when trying to decide upon a healthy diet for preventing disease and premature aging is choosing what type of oils to include in such a diet. This is a hotly debated subject amongst researchers and food gurus alike. Mainstream doctors are typically about 20 years behind the times when […]

Health Articles

Linoleic Acid

  Linoleic acid may sound like some weird chemical you might think you have never consumed.  But the truth is the average American has 15 to 20% of the calories in their diet coming from linoleic acid.  Compare that to 150 years ago when the average consumption was 1 – 3%.  Linoleic acid is the […]

Health Articles


As most of you know by now, I am a big fan of the ketogenic lifestyle.  In simple terms that means you burn fat for energy in your cells instead of sugar/carbs.  The ability to burn both fat and sugar is a way mother nature made us adaptable to living with seasons.  In a natural […]

Health Articles


PUFA’s, what’s that?  It sounds like a new line of cuddly toys for preschoolers.  What if I told you that they are the number one cause of chronic disease in America today?  Now it starts to sound a little more interesting.  So what are PUFA’s?  This acronym stands for Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids.  For practical […]

Health Articles

Eye Health

I asked my sister yesterday for a newsletter subject matter idea.  She is the one who edits my newsletters as she actually knows where to put commas and other written communication etiquette.  It’s really nice she allows me to keep my voice even though it’s grammatically foolhardy. In any case,  she suggested eye health.  I […]

Health Articles

Brain Trauma

I just spent the last Saturday and Sunday at a seminar on Brain Trauma.  Although the focus was on such things as concussion, whiplash, and stroke, they also spent a lot of time looking at Alzheimer’s and other brain degeneration problems.  This was because the basic biology for all of these issues is the same.  […]

Health Articles

Spices 2

Hi , Do you know where spices are really good to use this time of year? The barbecue.  Yes, we have to be aware of obtaining good quality meats for our barbecue prepared meals.  We don’t want chickens full of arsenic and meats full of antibiotics and growth hormones.  So at a minimum, purchase meats […]