Health Articles

The Vegetable Cure

Years ago one of my patients, Penelope, embarked on a healing journey for her chronic back issues and other bodily maladies.  She received some simple but powerful advice.  She was told to simply eat only vegetables for six months with the addition of a few ounces of fish a couple times a week. That’s it! […]

Health Articles

Intermittent Fasting

Last week a patient asked me why I hadn’t written an article on intermittent fasting.  I was amazed, because it has been a mainstay of my lifestyle for years now.  I feel like I have written about it many times, but maybe I have never actually come out and named it by name.  Possibly this is because I […]

Health Articles


Sometimes life wants me to pay attention to something, so it repeats itself in different ways.  For instance last week I read an article on a breathing study done on a giraffe.  That sounds strange I know, but the idea is that no one has been able to figure out how a giraffe is able […]

Health Articles

Core Power Foods

I have been studying diet and nutrition for 45 years, and particularly the impact of diet on the immune system for the last 10 years.  As my research has progressed over the last several years, it is beginning to feel like I am in an echo chamber.  The same basic principals and recommended foods keep […]

Health Articles

Muscle & joint relief

Pain in the muscles and joints is the most common type of pain.  Everyone experiences it at some time.  Although unpleasant, it is a very necessary part of the survival mechanisms built into our bodies.  Without pain we would not know when our body is being injured.  Pain is the signal that tells us to […]