Health Articles


Ninety percent of adults in North America consume caffeine daily.  It is the most widely used psychoactive substance in the world.  Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant found in over 60 different South American and Asian plants, but we are most familiar with just three sources: coffee, tea, and to a small extent, chocolate. […]

Health Articles

Take Control of Your Universe

Does your life feel the way you want it to feel?  Are you fulfilled and happy?  Does your life feel meaningful to you?  These kinds of questions address the underlying feelings that run our lives. Most of us identify with our ego mind.  We think our thoughts define us and our lives are run by the […]

Health Articles


I have been fasting for two weeks now, doing what I am now calling the Full Belly Fast.  It is a very different experience for me compared to my usual water fasting.  It does not even feel like fasting because I am eating several times a day.  I always have a full belly.  Normally with […]

Health Articles

Fasting for Health

A couple weeks ago my brother Daniel suggested I watch a Youtube video by a Dr Jason Fung, a kidney specialist from Canada.  He had been treating diabetic patients for 20 years for kidney disease caused by diabetes when it dawned on him that none of his patients ever got better.  He actually asked himself […]