Health Articles

Insulin Resistance

  What is the most likely thing that will kill you? For Americans that would be heart disease followed by cancer. Once you take out accidents, acute infections, and suicide, the remaining seven of the top ten causes of death in the US account for 90% of deaths. The important point here is that the […]

Health Articles

Sustained Keto

I had two patients in a row the other day that had essentially the same question.  I take this as a sign that I need to do an article on that subject.  Both patients had tried to do a keto diet in the past and had gotten good results, but had been unable to keep […]

Health Articles


So the new year is still fresh and you still plan to live 2019 as healthy as possible.  Right off the bat you have chosen a serious challenge.  The single biggest thing that impacts your health is what you put into your mouth and allow into your lungs.  It seems super obvious that the first step […]