Health Articles

Saturated Fats

Well the science is finally pouring in and the myth that saturated fat and cholesterol causes heart disease is broken.  The Seven Countries’ study started by Ancel Keys way back in 1958 to promote his belief that saturated fat and dietary cholesterol caused heart disease has been disproven as simply bad science created by cherry picking […]

Health Articles

The Magic Pill

Last week one of my patients told me about a documentary on Netflix called The Magic Pill.  It is about regular people engaging a ketogenic diet lifestyle and the amazing results it produces in their lives.  I was immediately attracted, so Ellen and I watched the show Thursday night.  It was excellent on many levels.  I highly recommend […]

Health Articles

More Happiness

Last week one of my patients sent me an article on the causes of depression and the unexpected solutions.  This information came from a new book called Lost Connections: Uncovering the Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions: The book was written by Johann Hari after she spent 3 years of researching and interviewing […]