Health Articles

Osteoarthritis Action Plan

A couple years ago I wrote a lengthy article on the causes of osteoarthritis. Check it out here. I wish to revisit this subject because, although the article was informative, it was shy on directions as to what to do specifically. Disease conditions are complex with many different factors that come into play in creating disease. I […]

Health Articles


  I write a lot about different ways to improve your health, but I have missed writing about one of the simplest and most enjoyable health aids – vacations. So much in the health arena involves doing things like exercise, diet, proper sleep, and avoiding toxic environmental elements. These things are necessary, but not fun. […]

Health Articles


  How is your grip? This is probably something you never think about unless you find you are unable to open a jar of peanut butter anymore. But grip strength is much more than just accessing delicious ground peanuts, a lot more. Your grip strength is an indicator of the strength of the muscles all […]

Health Articles


  You know that feeling where you gotta go and you don’t know if you are going to make it to the toilet?  Or on the other side of the road, it is day three and you still have not gotten that joyful release from your colon?  How about abdominal cramping and gas that doubles […]

Health Articles

Scared to death

I read a fascinating article this morning about autonomic dysregulation as a consequence of wearing masks during this Covid 19 lockdown.  What does that mean?  Our autonomic nervous system controls 98% of everything that goes on in our body – just about everything except conscious movement and speech.  It handles everything so we don’t have […]

Health Articles


Allergies and sensitivities are amazingly common and yet from a medical viewpoint so little is known about why we get them.  There is a very clear understanding of what happens during the allergic response on a cellular level, but why it happens seems to be a question no one is asking.  Why would your immune […]

Health Articles


One of my patients asked me to write an article about the current coronavirus pandemic.  I replied that this was such a new virus out in the public that I had no information about this critter.  All the research has been done in top secret Biolabs, which don’t publish their findings.  The commercial press has […]

Health Articles

Brain Inflammation

Two weeks ago I spent Saturday and Sunday glued to the computer screen from 8:30 to 5:30 for a teleconference class on brain inflammation. This may seem like a really boring topic, and it would be if there wasnot a very real probability that this is the underlying cause for the physical and emotional challenges you […]

Health Articles


The terror of sun exposure is a favorite topic pushed on us by our ever concerned medical establishment.  Public health messages focus on the dangers of too much ultraviolet light radiation hitting our skin and causing genetic damage promoting skin cancers and accelerated aging of the skin.  Yet curiously when the worldwide health damage caused […]

Health Articles

Brain Trauma

I just spent the last Saturday and Sunday at a seminar on Brain Trauma.  Although the focus was on such things as concussion, whiplash, and stroke, they also spent a lot of time looking at Alzheimer’s and other brain degeneration problems.  This was because the basic biology for all of these issues is the same.  […]