Health Articles


  You know that feeling where you gotta go and you don’t know if you are going to make it to the toilet?  Or on the other side of the road, it is day three and you still have not gotten that joyful release from your colon?  How about abdominal cramping and gas that doubles […]


Leaky Gut, SIBO, & IBS Diet

Leaky Gut, SIBO, & IBS Diet If it’s not on here then don’t eat it! Vegetables Bamboo shoots Bok choy / pak choi Broccoli < ½ c. Cabbage <1 c. Carrots Chives Cucumber Eggplant / aubergine Ginger Green beans/peas ¼ c. Green onions (green part) Lettuce / chard / arugula Olives Parsley Red peppers (red […]

Health Articles

Ileocecal Valve

  How many times each day do I work on someone’s low back problem?  This is the most common reason folks come into my office for care.  The thing is, often times the real problem is not the low back at all.  The pain is in the low back, but the cause may be further […]

Health Articles

Fiber part 2

Last week I was writing about how intimately our health is tied to the bacteria that live in our gut.  I drew the picture that what we ate determined whether we had “good guy” bacteria supporting our health growing inside us or “bad guy” bacteria tearing down our health.  The “good guys” like to eat soluble fibers […]

Health Articles

Taking Out the Trash

  Have you noticed how much effort it takes these days to stay healthy?  When I was a little kid diabetes was a rare almost unheard of disease.  We all knew about heart attacks, but nobody my parents or their parents knew had had one.  Cancer was not even a word that was in the […]

Health Articles

Jicama Prebiotic

  Jicama, sometimes referred to as Mexican turnip or yam bean, is a fascinating vegetable.  It is actually the root to a legume – like a green bean.  But don’t try to eat the beans on the Jicama as they are toxic.  In fact the whole plant is toxic except for the inside of the […]

Health Articles


Are you ever bloated?  I hear it all the time from patients – “I eat a meal and a little later I look like I am 6 months pregnant!”  Now I am not talking about feeling too full because you have just eaten your way through the Sunday Brunch Buffet.  You’d expect to feel overly […]