Health Articles

Scared to death

I read a fascinating article this morning about autonomic dysregulation as a consequence of wearing masks during this Covid 19 lockdown.  What does that mean?  Our autonomic nervous system controls 98% of everything that goes on in our body – just about everything except conscious movement and speech.  It handles everything so we don’t have […]

Health Articles

Death by Covid

Well, here we are at the 6-month point with this Covid 19 scare.  Nothing has gripped the American attention this strongly on personal levels since the threat of imminent nuclear destruction in the early 1960s.  Possibly the brief hullabaloo over Y2K causing the collapse of technology-based civilization may have grabbed some people’s imagination as strongly […]

Health Articles

Mask vs. Shield

This whole coronavirus story appears to be continuing on and on.  The practical question I concern myself with is how to adapt and cope with this situation.  This is proving to be challenging as adapting requires having a good idea of what exactly is really happening so you know what efforts are useful and what […]

Health Articles

Sunlight II

One of the lovely byproducts I have been seeing from this Covid 19 scare is more people outside taking walks in the sun.  At least in my neighborhood, I see people through my front door window walking up and down the street all day long.  I expect this will slow down as the weather heats […]

Health Articles

Proactive Steps

It appears this Covid 19 virus is not going away anytime soon.  Current mitigation procedures are slowing things down, but there is no mention of being able to stop the virus outright.  The big hope on the horizon is for an immunization to be developed according to the government types, but that is about a […]

Health Articles

Immune Boost

The latest reports on the Covid-19 spread suggest that 60 to 70% of the US population will get the infection before it is over sometime in the next 2 years.  The current belief is that once enough people have gotten the infection and built up a natural immunity, only then will the spread be stopped. […]

Health Articles


One of my patients asked me to write an article about the current coronavirus pandemic.  I replied that this was such a new virus out in the public that I had no information about this critter.  All the research has been done in top secret Biolabs, which don’t publish their findings.  The commercial press has […]