Health Articles


  You know that feeling where you gotta go and you don’t know if you are going to make it to the toilet?  Or on the other side of the road, it is day three and you still have not gotten that joyful release from your colon?  How about abdominal cramping and gas that doubles […]

Health Articles

Core Power Foods

I have been studying diet and nutrition for 45 years, and particularly the impact of diet on the immune system for the last 10 years.  As my research has progressed over the last several years, it is beginning to feel like I am in an echo chamber.  The same basic principals and recommended foods keep […]

Health Articles

Sugar part 2

 I mentioned in my last letter that my body does not like sugar even though my taste buds do.  What does that mean?  Why wouldn’t my body like sugar… well let’s go from the outside in. The first thing we think of is eating sugar and how good it tastes…yum.  But then what?  Before that […]