Health Articles


  I write a lot about different ways to improve your health, but I have missed writing about one of the simplest and most enjoyable health aids – vacations. So much in the health arena involves doing things like exercise, diet, proper sleep, and avoiding toxic environmental elements. These things are necessary, but not fun. […]

Health Articles

The Hero’s Journey

Last week Ellen and I re-watched the Joseph Campbell / Bill Moyer PBS special “The Power of Myth.”  I first saw this almost 30 years ago and the basic message has stuck with me ever since.  Joseph Campbell studied the cultural myths all over the world and found certain themes were common to every culture.  The […]

Health Articles

Joyful Purpose

What do you want from life? We all have certain basic survival needs – air, water, food, shelter, and safety.  Most of us have these basics met.  If you don’t then the focus of your life will pretty much be on securing these needs or else you won’t survive.  But aside from these needs most […]

Health Articles

Where do feelings come from?

Ellen asked me this the other day.  We were sitting in the car at the farmer’s market.  I had just picked up some persimmons with which to try to make persimmon jam.  She was not feeling ok and had me do a silent muscle test to see if the not ok feeling was a “I’m […]

Health Articles

A terrible revelation

I have been a Chiropractor for 28 years and I have missed the big picture most of that time.  I had it for a couple years back in 1990 and 91 but lost it somehow.  I have been living and working under the false perspective that correcting problems will produce health.  Never mind that my […]