Health Articles

Vegetarian vs Carnivore

The recent malnutrition death of Vegan Tik Tok and Instagram influencer Zahanna Samsonova was a shock to her millions of devoted followers. She was preaching the power and joys of eating a raw food vegan diet. Convinced that this was the healthiest and most natural way to eat, she was sure that it would make […]

Health Articles

Carbs or Fats?

The general question of today’s newsletter is which kind of diet works better to improve health – low- carb or low-fat. In the world of dietary modification, the most common need in America today is to lose fat weight since over two-thirds of Americans are overweight. Almost half of them are outright obese, which is […]

Health Articles


  How is your grip? This is probably something you never think about unless you find you are unable to open a jar of peanut butter anymore. But grip strength is much more than just accessing delicious ground peanuts, a lot more. Your grip strength is an indicator of the strength of the muscles all […]

Health Articles

Weight Loss 2024

  Last week I wrote about the hormone GLP1 because of its role in reducing hunger and controlling blood sugar. Both of these are vital to carrying out an effective weight loss plan for the new year. So here we are with one foot planted in 2024 ready to take off in this new year. […]

Health Articles

Weight – GLP1

Welcome to the New Year! With the New Year comes the resolutions for improving your life in the coming year. Probably the most common resolution chosen in this country is weight loss. This is likely a reflection of the fact that 74% of Americans are overweight. Worse than that, 42% of adults over the age […]

Health Articles

Ultimate Body Makeover pt. 1

  Generally, the best advice for health-minded individuals is to engage in a lifestyle that supports their health goals over the long run. But sometimes there is a desire for the ever-loved quick fix. Everyone would like a simple and easy fix for whatever health concern they might have, but 99% of the time there […]

Health Articles


  Enzymes are the physical essence of life in our bodies. They are the microscopic tools and engines that build everything and run everything. Enzymes act as the army of tiny worker minions that fill all the blue-collar jobs in the body that get everything done. We think of the DNA as the master blueprint […]

Health Articles

Protein Powders

  The other day I was asking my son what health topic I could write about that would be relevant to him.  He suggested an article about protein powders since he does a protein smoothie every day.  He wanted to know the best ones and the ones he should avoid.  We got sidetracked for a moment when […]

Health Articles


  Beginning two and one-half weeks ago Ellen and I started a fast.  In this case, we were using the guidelines I created a while back for a green fast.  We have been consuming nothing other than leafy greens, cauliflower, celery, jicama, avocado, coconut, olives, spices, vinegars, and powdered nutrients.  The objective is to mimic […]

Health Articles

Egg White Bread

  What is my most favorite food in the whole world? Sourdough bread.  What have I not had for the last 15 years since I found I was gluten intolerant? Sourdough bread.  Ah for the love of bread!  There is nothing like a chunk of fresh hot bread slathered with real butter.  Yum!  But alas […]