Health Articles

Rebuilding Joints

  Can we rebuild the cartilage in our joints once it has started to degenerate away? Most of my readers are over 45. so this is an important question for them. In truth, our joints start wearing down from age 25 on, but usually, we don’t feel it for 20+ years at least, unless we […]

Health Articles

Ultimate Body Makeover part 3

  As promised last week, we are going to look at physical therapies and exercise that are an intrinsic part of a body makeover. So far we have focused on healing the gut and reducing systemic inflammation. Our head should be clearer and our gut happier. Now let’s focus on the body at large, and that refers […]

Health Articles


  Today we celebrate the beginning of a new year. One of the classic traditions for the first day of the new year is to establish a set of goals for the upcoming year. Typically these include health goals — our so-called New Year’s resolutions. The idea is to start off the year on a […]

Health Articles

Not Broken

  I am not like a normal doctor.  I do not work on broken people.  In fact, I go to a lot of extra effort testing and diagnosing what is going on with a new patient to determine if something is broken in some way.  Because if there is something broken, I refer them out […]

Health Articles

Use It

  One of the favorite health expressions that get tossed about a lot is the ever-popular use-it-or-lose it.  Generally, this trope is used in reference to your muscles where reality is easily observable.  It is easy to see on yourself when you slack off on your exercise regime and your muscle tone goes to crap.  […]

Health Articles

Fighting Aging

  One of my patients, Debbie, asked if I would do a newsletter on how to fight aging.  Her thought was 10 Tips for Fighting Aging.  That sounded like a great idea, so I started tackling the subject.  I quickly noticed, as I started writing down ideas, that this is actually a very complex subject.  There […]

Health Articles

Bands 2

The last couple of years have been really hard on our bodies.  Those of us that had a regular gym life found that activity severely restricted.  Two years of being basically housebound, other than occasionally walking up and down the street in front of the house, have let the muscles we used to have to […]

Health Articles

The Cycle

  Life is a curious thing.  People can spend their entire life striving for a particular something, and then when they finally achieve it they feel empty and incomplete.  Sometimes this is on a very obvious level with things like money.  A person may have a lifelong dream to become a millionaire, and then when […]

Health Articles

Senior Exercise

  You know what?  Getting older is a drag!  That’s right, not what I signed up for when I started this cruise.  As soon as you start to get a clue, someone takes the wind out of your sails.  Why is it that the less you know about what you are doing, the more energy you have to do […]

Health Articles


  I have been having a lot of patients with knee problems lately.  A few of them have had actual knee replacements.  These knee replacements are pretty ugly surgeries in terms of recovery.  Hip replacement surgeries seem to be a piece of cake by comparison.  The knee replacements only seem to work in about half […]