Health Articles


  Today I want to talk about an easy way to build muscle. Why? There are many reasons, but the one I focus on the most is blood sugar control. High spikes of blood sugar damage so many aspects of our health. They are very inflammatory, particularly damaging the walls of our blood vessels. Throughout […]

Health Articles

Exercise Dose

  My last newsletter concentrated on exercise variety as a vital key to maintaining our health over the years. Compared to sitting at a desk, or sitting in a vehicle, or just sitting on the couch, any exercise is better than none. In my experience with patients who do get regular exercise, they usually have […]

Health Articles

Mini Moves

One of the favorite engagements this time of year is a renewed commitment to improving health through physical activity.  While this is a noble effort, it rarely works.  Generally within two months the daily visits to the gym have dwindled down to once a week as the reality of our busy life shows us why […]

Health Articles

Osteoporosis Revisited

In my last newsletter I mentioned the idea I had that osteoporosis is really a collagen disease rather than what the mainstream medical community is telling us.  I have been continuing to dig into this subject and I am finding more information.  My initial hit that collagen formation was a critical aspect of osteoporosis appears […]