Health Articles


  This subject is brought up by the upcoming Mother’s Day holiday. For most people, a relationship with their mother is the first significant relationship they develop. That seems obvious, but the significance is so much more than the simple and obvious. We need to feel significant. It is a core driver of everything in […]

Health Articles

Not Broken

  I am not like a normal doctor.  I do not work on broken people.  In fact, I go to a lot of extra effort testing and diagnosing what is going on with a new patient to determine if something is broken in some way.  Because if there is something broken, I refer them out […]

Health Articles

How to Feel 1

  Someone asked me this question the other day, “How does one go about feeling?”  This may seem like a silly question to the average person, but the person asking me this understood that I distinguish between feelings and emotions.  They may seem similar, but I use the words to describe two very different states of consciousness.  Most […]

Health Articles


It was my turn two weeks ago to pick a spiritual principle for our study group to focus on for our next gathering.  We spend two weeks contemplating a principle then get together to share what we got from that time spent asking for insight.  The principle I chose was: “We are invisible to others. […]

Health Articles

How much is right?

This seemingly simple little question is almost always answered wrong.  Just how much should you do anything?  For me, this came into sharp awareness recently while working with my sweetie Ellen while her back was seized up for a week.  Essential to recovering from a seized up back is movement.  Movement hurts so her natural […]

Health Articles


Have you ever stopped to consider diamonds?  They take the light from any direction and turn it into the most beautiful sparkle of a rainbow of colors.  From every angle of view, they present a myriad of shiny faces.  Yet in spite of being so beautiful, they are the hardest substance on Earth.  Their internal […]

Health Articles


The topic around the house this last week or so has been on suffering.  This has been a favorite topic intermittently over the last 25 years or so, but this time it was different.  This time, on her own, Ellen made the profound realization that all the suffering in her life has come from her […]



I was sitting in my homemade heat lamp sauna a couple days ago when an interesting thought/picture came into my head.  It was a visual of what looked like a tachometer gauge on a car dashboard.  If you have spent your life in automatic transmission cars, you may not have much experience with a tachometer, […]