Health Articles


Last week I came across an article about the use ofcholine for the treatment of fatty liver disease.  This grabbed my attention because many years ago I had acquired fatty liver disease after flirting with fruitarianism for several months.  The primary cause of fatty liver is fructose (fruit sugar) or alcohol.  Half of regular white sugar is […]

Health Articles


I have been reading the new book just released by Jason Fung, The Longevity Solution.  Jason is the kidney specialist from Toronto I have mentioned to many of you that have blood sugar problems because he has been reversing diabetes through fasting.  Now he has written a book with Dr. DiNicolantonio expanding the amazing results on […]

Health Articles


This is not a topic most people want to think about – until you have to.  So why am I thinking about it?  One of Ellen’s clients was visiting Europe when she was struck with this common traveler’s condition.  She texted Ellen and asked what to do.  She was planning to fast for a day […]

Health Articles

What is Love?

Last weekend Ellen and I went to an 80th birthday party for an old friend.  The party was thrown by the Sai Baba society of Sacramento, which she has been very active in for a long time.  The event was a beautiful collision of different faiths as the event was held in the Zoroastrian Temple and […]

Health Articles

Ruth Stout Method

Spring is coming and I have been eyeballing the garden beds in my backyard and thinking about what I want to do this year.  Last year I hardly did anything.  I was just too busy with other stuff to put in the time to really prepare and plant much of a garden.  I have gotten […]

Health Articles


So the new year is still fresh and you still plan to live 2019 as healthy as possible.  Right off the bat you have chosen a serious challenge.  The single biggest thing that impacts your health is what you put into your mouth and allow into your lungs.  It seems super obvious that the first step […]

Health Articles

Mini Moves

One of the favorite engagements this time of year is a renewed commitment to improving health through physical activity.  While this is a noble effort, it rarely works.  Generally within two months the daily visits to the gym have dwindled down to once a week as the reality of our busy life shows us why […]

Health Articles

Fatty Acids

Did you know that there are certain fats that are essential to your health?  The fats are building blocks for all kinds of stuff in the body.  I have written about the omega 3 fats EPA and DHA found in fish oil and how they help us fight inflammation and support brain function.  But these […]

Health Articles


The theme for the beginning of the new year is detoxification.  I wrote about many simple ways to engage detoxification two weeks ago using diet.  I wanted to make sure everyone had time to get rid of all the junk food in the house and to stock up on plenty of leafy green vegetables and […]

Health Articles


This is the first newsletter of the new year, so I thought I would write on a subject that can support a positive tone for the coming year – abundance.  Abundance seems like something most people want in their lives.  There are certainly a lot of weekend seminars, books, videos, and training courses all focused on how […]