Health Articles

Insulin Resistance

  What is the most likely thing that will kill you? For Americans that would be heart disease followed by cancer. Once you take out accidents, acute infections, and suicide, the remaining seven of the top ten causes of death in the US account for 90% of deaths. The important point here is that the […]

Health Articles


  As of this date, there are over 130 research studies underway on the effects of the ketogenic diet.  Despite all sorts of so-called experts claiming that a keto diet could be dangerous, the reality is showing all of these claims to be false.  None of the supposed dangers are showing up in lab tests […]

Health Articles


I have been reading the new book just released by Jason Fung, The Longevity Solution.  Jason is the kidney specialist from Toronto I have mentioned to many of you that have blood sugar problems because he has been reversing diabetes through fasting.  Now he has written a book with Dr. DiNicolantonio expanding the amazing results on […]

Health Articles

Toxic Stressors

What is toxic stress?  We have grown to perceive stress as a bad thing, but stress is like any other nutrient, the right amount is the right amount.  Our body grows [...]
Health Articles

Starch – friend or foe?

Is starch good for you, or bad for you?  The question is not really about starch, but about you.  Look around, everyone you see and know all look different.  Check out who is wandering around the grocery store and notice the huge diversity of body shapes and sizes.  We are all different on the inside […]

Health Articles

Sugar Genes

50,000 years ago humans lived in a state of dietary insecurity.  Agriculture had not been developed yet so food supply was determined by whatever was available with each season.  For humans living in Europe and north Asia winter was a time of almost no food at all.  To survive you had to live off of […]



SIBO, what’s that – a new app for my phone?  If only, no SIBO stands for Small Intestine Bacterial Overload, and it is becoming a serious problem for us.  Last week I wrote about bloating.  At the end of the article I talked about a bloating pattern that happens 3 to 4 hours after you […]

Health Articles

Sugar part 2

 I mentioned in my last letter that my body does not like sugar even though my taste buds do.  What does that mean?  Why wouldn’t my body like sugar… well let’s go from the outside in. The first thing we think of is eating sugar and how good it tastes…yum.  But then what?  Before that […]

Health Articles

Health Priorities part 2

 Thanks everyone for all the positive feedback you have been giving me at the office…and as many of you have asked, yes, please feel free to forward this email to anyone you feel might be interested.        In this newsletter we are going to discuss the vital process of eating right.  This is a huge subject […]