Health Articles

More Protein

We are made of protein.  Protein is the structural element of everything living.  Protein is made out of tiny pieces called amino acids.  They function like Lego blocks and pieces.  With enough pieces you can make just about anything.  Amino acids only contain 10 to 20 atoms each and in the human body there are 22 […]

Health Articles


I have been reading the new book just released by Jason Fung, The Longevity Solution.  Jason is the kidney specialist from Toronto I have mentioned to many of you that have blood sugar problems because he has been reversing diabetes through fasting.  Now he has written a book with Dr. DiNicolantonio expanding the amazing results on […]

Health Articles


When I took pathology in Chiropractic school it was taught by a gentleman from India.  He was a pathology professor at USC and was moonlighting by teaching at our little school.  His cultural viewpoint provided a valuable perspective on understanding disease that was not available from the Western perspective.  He taught that all the thousands of […]