Health Articles

Entitlement vs. Expectation

Frequently a shift in perspective is needed to let go of a painful relationship with life. Life just is what it is. We are the ones who attach meaning to these realities by how we learn or come to believe these things can or should relate to us. Everything in life exists for its own […]

Health Articles


What is the deal with this new miracle sugar – Allulose? We have been hearing forever that sugar is evil and the worst thing for our health, so why is this sugar so different? There is a lot of information here. I like to start with the basics, so I go to the PubMed database […]

Health Articles


  We don’t like pain. That is a good thing, we aren’t supposed to like pain. Pain is the message our body uses to tell us something is wrong. If the pain is intense then it is telling us we need to do something about this problem right now. Some sort of damage is taking […]

Health Articles


  What more appropriate day for an article on creation than Mother’s Day? After all, it is a mother’s act of creating new little humans that has given us the human race. And in that act of creation is born the other half of our most fundamental reason for existence: connection. These two pieces are […]

Health Articles


About a hundred years ago, we had a big problem in this country — goiter. Back then about one-third of Americans had this disease! This is one of the late-stage manifestations of iodine deficiency. What is goiter? It is a swelling of the thyroid gland in your neck just above your collarbone. While this is […]

Health Articles

Bed Yoga

  Today we have a guest author, Theodora, a certified Yoga teacher and health coach. She has designed a morning Yoga program you can do right from your bed. What a great way to start the day! BED YOGA Some of us will remember the days we had to warm up the car before driving. […]

Health Articles

Cholesterol Mortality

  Fairly often I have patients come in worried about their cholesterol levels. Their medical doctor has told them that they are at serious risk of having a heart attack or stroke because their cholesterol levels are too high. I will ask them what their total cholesterol levels are and they will guiltily confess that […]

Health Articles

Rebuilding Joints

  Can we rebuild the cartilage in our joints once it has started to degenerate away? Most of my readers are over 45. so this is an important question for them. In truth, our joints start wearing down from age 25 on, but usually, we don’t feel it for 20+ years at least, unless we […]

Health Articles


  Today I want to talk about an easy way to build muscle. Why? There are many reasons, but the one I focus on the most is blood sugar control. High spikes of blood sugar damage so many aspects of our health. They are very inflammatory, particularly damaging the walls of our blood vessels. Throughout […]

Health Articles

Cottage Cheese Pie

  A couple weeks ago I was preparing to head out on vacation to Cabo San Lucas with my younger son and daughter-in-law. Ellen was going to stay home and have her sister over while I was gone. Since we have a fairly unusual diet, I wanted to make several meals ahead for Ellen so […]