Health Articles


  Without a doubt the single biggest source of ill health is stress. There are tons of techniques out there for combating stress such as meditation, exercise, special breathing methods, biofeedback, EMDR, drugs, and so on. But very little is actually said about how to not get stressed in the first place. The prevailing assumption […]

Health Articles

Family Connection (and way too much to eat)

 It is Christmas day about 5:30 in the evening.  The table is cleared and the food put away and the last of our guests have wandered off for home.  It was a good Christmas – lots of connection with loved ones.  We were smart this year in that we had most of the Christmas dinner […]



I was sitting in my homemade heat lamp sauna a couple days ago when an interesting thought/picture came into my head.  It was a visual of what looked like a tachometer gauge on a car dashboard.  If you have spent your life in automatic transmission cars, you may not have much experience with a tachometer, […]

Health Articles


Ellen and I were laying around in bed this morning engaging in our favorite activity – philosophic inquiry.  Not having to get up early is one of the great things about weekends.  Ellen will pose various questions and I will use muscle testing the unconscious mind to pull up interesting answers.  After about an hour […]

Health Articles

It’s Hard

A favorite line I have heard from some people, addicts in particular, is that life is hard.  They seem to believe that they have a corner on the market for hard times.  The universal sentiment that follows the “it’s hard” statement is that no one understands how hard it is for them – like no one […]

Health Articles

Safety versus Ease

Here we are the day before Halloween – a time when all the scary ghosts and goblins are set free.  More traditionally any departed souls still wandering the earth have one last chance to visit the living before being carried to the other side on All Saints Day, November 1st.  In any event the whole […]

Health Articles

You Are Perfect

You Are Perfect. One of my patients asked for an upbeat article for Christmas.  I figured what could be more upbeat than to communicate just how perfect each and every one of you are.  Many of you have heard me say this in the past, but rarely do I have the chance to explain how […]

Health Articles

Change in Hours

Welcome to the mid-October issue of Fair Oaks News. Fall is definitely here.  I walked into the office on September 22nd and noticed the fig tree had dropped a pile of leaves over the night, right on schedule.        As most of you know I cut back office hours by closing on Wednesdays […]