Health Articles

Super Jam

I really like the idea of functional foods. What do I mean by functional foods? I am referring to foods that improve the function of our bodies. Most real foods serve us by supplying energy and raw materials the body uses to repair itself. Functional foods go beyond energy and raw materials by promoting specific […]

Health Articles


DMSO is an amazing solvent with powerful anti-inflammatory actions. It can also carry other molecules through the skin down to deeper tissues, including medications. A little over a year ago, I wrote another article about my experiences using DMSO to combat joint pain. This property stimulated me to create a couple of products for the office, one […]

Health Articles

Carbs or Fats?

The general question of today’s newsletter is which kind of diet works better to improve health – low- carb or low-fat. In the world of dietary modification, the most common need in America today is to lose fat weight since over two-thirds of Americans are overweight. Almost half of them are outright obese, which is […]

Health Articles

Cholesterol Mortality

  Fairly often I have patients come in worried about their cholesterol levels. Their medical doctor has told them that they are at serious risk of having a heart attack or stroke because their cholesterol levels are too high. I will ask them what their total cholesterol levels are and they will guiltily confess that […]

Health Articles

Weight Loss 2024

  Last week I wrote about the hormone GLP1 because of its role in reducing hunger and controlling blood sugar. Both of these are vital to carrying out an effective weight loss plan for the new year. So here we are with one foot planted in 2024 ready to take off in this new year. […]

Health Articles

Weight – GLP1

Welcome to the New Year! With the New Year comes the resolutions for improving your life in the coming year. Probably the most common resolution chosen in this country is weight loss. This is likely a reflection of the fact that 74% of Americans are overweight. Worse than that, 42% of adults over the age […]

Health Articles

Ultimate Body Makeover part 2

  This is a continuation from last week where I was discussing the diet portion of the makeover. Stage 1: the first seven days are designed to overcome lipotoxicity within our cells causing insulin resistance. To do this we have to force our cells to want to burn any available fats in storage for energy. […]

Health Articles

Fiber or ferment?

  The big new frontier in biomedicine is the vast landscape of the microbiome. Although it only amounts to a few pounds of muck in your colon, it contains 90% of the genetic material (DNA and RNA) in your body. There are thousands of different bacteria, fungi, and viruses that live in a healthy colon. […]

Health Articles

Whole food

  Here is an amazing statistic I heard in a podcast — 70% of the dollars spent in the US for healthcare are spent on diseases that are caused by the Standard American Diet. We are talking about type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, cancer, dementia, fatty liver, polycystic ovarian disease, […]

Health Articles

Egg White Bread

  What is my most favorite food in the whole world? Sourdough bread.  What have I not had for the last 15 years since I found I was gluten intolerant? Sourdough bread.  Ah for the love of bread!  There is nothing like a chunk of fresh hot bread slathered with real butter.  Yum!  But alas […]