Last week I wrote about feet, and it seemed logical to simply move up a bit and write next about the knees. Next to back and shoulder issues, I probably see more knee problems than any other joints in the body crying out for help. This is not surprising considering the amount of force […]
Author: Dr. Dave DeLapp
Ellen casually asked me the other day “What causes arthritis?” She was curious because her sister, who is almost 5 years younger, was complaining of arthritis while Ellen has no such complaints. My first response was “What kind of arthritis?” Technically there are over 100 kinds of arthritis and more than 50 million Americans […]
Enzymes are the physical essence of life in our bodies. They are the microscopic tools and engines that build everything and run everything. Enzymes act as the army of tiny worker minions that fill all the blue-collar jobs in the body that get everything done. We think of the DNA as the master blueprint […]
Without a doubt the single biggest source of ill health is stress. There are tons of techniques out there for combating stress such as meditation, exercise, special breathing methods, biofeedback, EMDR, drugs, and so on. But very little is actually said about how to not get stressed in the first place. The prevailing assumption […]
Cyclic Rejuvenation
A week ago Ellen and I had some lab work done to check our fasting insulin and hemoglobin A1c. We regularly test our blood sugar and ketones at home with a finger stick blood test. There is no at-home test for insulin, but I just found out there is a new at-home test for […]
Muscle Mass
The week before last my newsletter focused on the underlying disease that is likely to result in each of our deaths — insulin resistance. This metabolic imbalance is the hidden cause of most heart disease, cancers, dementia, kidney disease, stroke, vascular disease, and the list just goes on and on. Even your chances of […]
When I see a patient in my office for pain relief, what is the one most common finding I hope is not there? The answer is compression. Typically musculoskeletal back pain comes from some sort of muscle spasm or imbalance. Each of the joints in the spine, of which there are 48, can be […]
Insulin Resistance
What is the most likely thing that will kill you? For Americans that would be heart disease followed by cancer. Once you take out accidents, acute infections, and suicide, the remaining seven of the top ten causes of death in the US account for 90% of deaths. The important point here is that the […]
Tech Neck
Most of you that read this newsletter have been patients in my office at one time or another. When you come in the first thing I do is lay you down on your back and check your neck. I pull the neck bones forward gently one at a time on the right and the […]
Food Pyramids
About a month ago the blogosphere exploded with headlines about the latest government-funded attempt to classify healthful foods for Americans. This was in reference to a three-year-long multi-million dollar taxpayer-funded project by Tufts University called the Food Compass. The intent was to create a scoring system for foods based on the composition of the […]