Health Articles


  Well, I just hit the button to purchase a new mattress. Yes, I am an armchair shopper. For years I loved going from store to store looking for the best deal and just the right features I wanted. I still like wandering around the Ace Hardware down the street from me just to look […]

Health Articles


  When I see a patient in my office for pain relief, what is the one most common finding I hope is not there? The answer is compression. Typically musculoskeletal back pain comes from some sort of muscle spasm or imbalance. Each of the joints in the spine, of which there are 48, can be […]

Health Articles

Movin’ dem Bones

Have you ever wondered just what it is I really do?  Yes, I am a Doctor of Chiropractic, but that doesn’t really say anything about what I actually am doing when you come in for a visit.  You know from experience that your pain decreases and your function improves, and that is really the point.  […]