Health Articles

Not Okay

I was listening to my sweetie, Ellen, express a feeling she was having about something coming up in her awareness that felt emotionally not okay. She didn’t know what it was but felt it tickling at the edge of her consciousness. She said that these things usually meant that life was trying to show her […]

Health Articles

Freedom revisited

  It has been seven years since I wrote about the subject of freedom. The last time was July 3rd, 2016. A lot has happened since July of 2016, so I thought I would see if my perceptions have changed since way back then. Back then Obama was still president and we were in the throws […]

Health Articles


  This subject is brought up by the upcoming Mother’s Day holiday. For most people, a relationship with their mother is the first significant relationship they develop. That seems obvious, but the significance is so much more than the simple and obvious. We need to feel significant. It is a core driver of everything in […]

Health Articles


  We live to connect.  Connection is one of the fundamental purposes of conscious existence.  Connection creates both purpose and meaning in life.  Imagine being stranded alone on a desert island with no hope of ever being rescued.  Initially, you scramble around just trying to survive, but once you get a survival routine established, you […]

Health Articles

Road Trip

  A couple of weeks ago I was reading a review of a book called “The Comfort Crisis” by Michael Easter.  One of the key themes of this book is an understanding of how our brain works in relation to the experience of comfort.  Based on how we all act, you would think that our […]

Health Articles

A Plague of Narcissism

This is more of a rant than an actual newsletter, but increasingly the stories I am hearing from patients tells me there is a plague of narcissism sweeping our country.  It is not that there has not been a generous load of narcissism within certain sectors of our society forever (like politics), but there seems to have […]

Health Articles

Belonging First

The year 2017 has arrived.  It looks like the winds of change are upon us.  New times and new challenges await us in this coming year.  To set the tone for the New Year I wanted to consider the deepest priority and motivator that I believe drives us in what we do.  I have been […]

Health Articles

Angels and Devils

Remember those little cartoon angles and devils that would sit on people’s shoulders whispering into their ears?  The devil would sit on one side and urge the person to do all sorts of things that were “bad” and likely to get them into trouble.  While the angel would sit on the other shoulder and warn […]


How to create harmony

The purpose of life is to discover who we are and then bring who we are into harmony with life.  The two halves of this journey involve very different skills.  I want to focus on the second half today and offer a very simple understanding that makes harmony much simpler to achieve.  The understanding involves […]