Health Articles

Eating Bamboo

  If you have been reading this newsletter for a while now you know that I am always looking for ways to create my favorite food items without using grains or sugars. Often I even take the next step and eliminate all carbohydrates from my diet. While eliminating carbs is not necessary for healthy people, […]

Health Articles


  Stress is a popular word that gets tossed around a lot these days. It gets this press because so much research has been done that says stress is the underlying cause of so much ill health. When you try to pin down just what is stress, everybody seems to have a different answer. This […]

Health Articles

Self Care

  I have written over a million words on health topics over the last 15 years as a way to share self-care tips with you, my patients. Your health is a very important topic that needs lots of self-awareness in order to produce good results. The odds are stacked hugely against us in this modern […]

Health Articles

Whole food

  Here is an amazing statistic I heard in a podcast — 70% of the dollars spent in the US for healthcare are spent on diseases that are caused by the Standard American Diet. We are talking about type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, cancer, dementia, fatty liver, polycystic ovarian disease, […]

Health Articles


  Ellen and I use quite a number of devices and contraptions to support our efforts at keeping well. I thought it might be good to generate a list of what we use and what we use them for to give the newsletter readers self-support options in their own lives. Most of the stuff we […]

Health Articles

Bile Flow

                                            July 9, 2023 I suspect that most of you do not spend much time thinking about your bile flow. Perhaps if you have ever had gallbladder symptoms it may have crossed your mind […]

Health Articles

Freedom revisited

  It has been seven years since I wrote about the subject of freedom. The last time was July 3rd, 2016. A lot has happened since July of 2016, so I thought I would see if my perceptions have changed since way back then. Back then Obama was still president and we were in the throws […]

Health Articles


  I was trying to come up with a topic to write about for this newsletter this morning and the subject of niacinamide kept popping up. I have no idea why that would come up other than I had just made up a fresh batch of the nutrient drink powder Ellen and I use daily […]

Health Articles

Aging Gracefully

  I am in my fifth decade of service as a chiropractor. As time has progressed, I am noticing that a larger percentage of my patients are over 65 years of age. I notice this because of the kinds of things patients say to me when they describe their symptoms for their current visit. They […]

Health Articles


  One of my patients asked me to write an article about kindness. Her concept was we would have a better world if everyone simply applied a little more kindness to others in their daily lives. I let that settle into the back of my mind to see what would ferment. On the surface, this […]