Health Articles

Osteoarthritis Action Plan

A couple years ago I wrote a lengthy article on the causes of osteoarthritis. Check it out here. I wish to revisit this subject because, although the article was informative, it was shy on directions as to what to do specifically. Disease conditions are complex with many different factors that come into play in creating disease. I […]

Health Articles

Bed Yoga

  Today we have a guest author, Theodora, a certified Yoga teacher and health coach. She has designed a morning Yoga program you can do right from your bed. What a great way to start the day! BED YOGA Some of us will remember the days we had to warm up the car before driving. […]

Health Articles


  Today I want to talk about an easy way to build muscle. Why? There are many reasons, but the one I focus on the most is blood sugar control. High spikes of blood sugar damage so many aspects of our health. They are very inflammatory, particularly damaging the walls of our blood vessels. Throughout […]

Health Articles


  Is stretching a good idea for us? Why would we want to do it? When is it a bad idea? Stretching has been standard advice in the physical culture world for hundreds of years. Currently, the stretching postures called asanas in yoga are all the rage. I certainly hear many glowing reports from clients […]

Health Articles

Ultimate Body Makeover part 3

  As promised last week, we are going to look at physical therapies and exercise that are an intrinsic part of a body makeover. So far we have focused on healing the gut and reducing systemic inflammation. Our head should be clearer and our gut happier. Now let’s focus on the body at large, and that refers […]

Health Articles

How much is enough?

We are into the second week of the new year.  Many folks have already started on their resolutions for the new year.  Exercise is a common resolution for many of you.  But the question comes up – how much exercise should I do?  Do I go to the gym for an hour three times a […]

Health Articles

Balance coordination

An issue that has been coming up for a lot of patients lately is how to keep their adjustments in place.  They will come in to see me for some complaint, I put things back together, and they are fine for several days to a couple weeks.  Then for seemingly little reason their back, or […]

Health Articles

Move It

One of the delightful things we did while I was down visiting family in San Diego was to get up each morning and do a little Tai Chi/Yoga type movement.  Normally I run Ellen through a whole set of exercises each morning to help with her recovery, but I rarely have the time to do […]


Bedroom Stability Exercises

There comes a point in the recovery process of each patient with low back pain where we have to address the stabilizer muscles of the low back.  Address is a gentle way of saying we have to work those muscles and make them stronger.  Most of the time it was weakness or imbalance in these […]