Health Articles

Osteoarthritis Action Plan

A couple years ago I wrote a lengthy article on the causes of osteoarthritis. Check it out here. I wish to revisit this subject because, although the article was informative, it was shy on directions as to what to do specifically. Disease conditions are complex with many different factors that come into play in creating disease. I […]

Health Articles

Painkillers 2

In my last newsletter, I wrote about pain for no reason. I discussed many different causes for such pain, but I did not say what to do about pain. This is not as simple an answer as most of us would like. Most people think of popping a pill when they feel pain, and there […]

Health Articles


  I was having a conversation with my brother the other day about my trials with my prostate over the last couple of years.  Enlarged prostate is a very common issue that seems to hit men in their 60s.  He was concerned since he is only 5 years younger than I.  He wanted to know […]

Health Articles


  Autophagy, what is autophagy?  This word is bouncing around the internet more and more these days as something good for health, but just what is it?  The word itself gives us a clue.  Auto means self and phagy means eating, so self-eating.  It literally means the process of eating ourselves.  That sounds strange until you consider that there are no graveyards in […]

Health Articles

Liver Cleanse

Twice this last week patients asked me about how to cleanse their livers.  This is not a common question, but a very important one.  Nearly 80% of the detoxification, the removal of poisons from our body, is handled by our liver.  The rest is handled by our lungs, kidneys, and skin.  The bowels serve as […]

Health Articles

Homemade Inflammation Fighter

If you have been a regular reader of my newsletters then you are probably aware that the underlying basis of most disease and bodily misery in our lives is too much inflammation.  Inflammation is the slow fire that burns our cells and destroys our health. We have to have the ability to become inflamed in […]

Health Articles

Spices 2

Hi , Do you know where spices are really good to use this time of year? The barbecue.  Yes, we have to be aware of obtaining good quality meats for our barbecue prepared meals.  We don’t want chickens full of arsenic and meats full of antibiotics and growth hormones.  So at a minimum, purchase meats […]

Health Articles

What is Autoimmunity?

Hi , We are hearing the word autoimmunity a lot these days.  More and more patients are coming in saying they have autoimmunity.  What does this mean exactly?  Is it some sort of government rating that makes your car immune from smog regulations, or some sort of protection program for illegal immigrants?  No, auto immunity […]

Health Articles

Fighting Chronic Pain

Hi , As you might guess the main reason people come to see me is for pain relief.  I get the occasional person that wants to improve their health through diet and lifestyle changes, but most of the time pain is the prime motivator for folks.  If you are a reader of this newsletter, then […]