Health Articles

Painkillers 2

In my last newsletter, I wrote about pain for no reason. I discussed many different causes for such pain, but I did not say what to do about pain. This is not as simple an answer as most of us would like. Most people think of popping a pill when they feel pain, and there […]

Health Articles


Ellen and I have been focusing on the subject of self-love for the last week or so. Once we get interested in a subject, we seem to attract many different perspectives from those around us on the subject of interest without asking. Sometimes it is like the world is just a big textbook, and when […]

Health Articles

The Edge

  In today’s newsletter, I want to discuss a powerful concept that applies to both life and health. A common description I use when talking to a patient about exercising an injured joint is to stretch the joint up to the edge of pain; not into pain but just to the edge. This simple phrase […]

Health Articles

Why Heat & Cold?

  This last week I had a couple of patients who were not doing as well as I expected on their follow-up visit. With both, I had recommended using hot and cold on the inflamed area at least once each day. They had not done this. The 110-degree days may have had something to do […]

Health Articles

Chronic Pain

  Pain is something we are all familiar with. When something happens to our body that is immediately not good for it, we get these signals from the injured area called pain. Pain is there to warn us that we need to do something right now to prevent further injury. Furthermore, that particular pain will […]

Health Articles

Aging Gracefully

  I am in my fifth decade of service as a chiropractor. As time has progressed, I am noticing that a larger percentage of my patients are over 65 years of age. I notice this because of the kinds of things patients say to me when they describe their symptoms for their current visit. They […]

Health Articles


  Do you have nerve issues?  Do some of them not work right?  If so, then you likely have neuropathy.  Really, the word neuropathy means pathology of the nerve.  Generally, when doctors talk about neuropathy, they are referring to the nerves that run all over the body, and not the brain and spinal cord.  These […]

Health Articles

Fighting Aging

  One of my patients, Debbie, asked if I would do a newsletter on how to fight aging.  Her thought was 10 Tips for Fighting Aging.  That sounded like a great idea, so I started tackling the subject.  I quickly noticed, as I started writing down ideas, that this is actually a very complex subject.  There […]

Health Articles


  Today’s article is a philosophical piece, so it will contain a lot of individual perspectives based on personal experience and conjecture.  My life is dominantly that of a philosopher, always curious and always contemplating what if.  Why am I that way?  It is because I love wisdom.  Philo means loving and sophia means wisdom.  I […]

Health Articles


  Three weeks ago after finishing up my shower in the morning, I bent forward to squeegee the water off the walls. All of a sudden my back seized up.  Now the odd thing was that being bent forward was not the problem.  It was when I tried to straighten up that it grabbed me.  […]