Health Articles

The Edge

  In today’s newsletter, I want to discuss a powerful concept that applies to both life and health. A common description I use when talking to a patient about exercising an injured joint is to stretch the joint up to the edge of pain; not into pain but just to the edge. This simple phrase […]

Health Articles

Why Heat & Cold?

  This last week I had a couple of patients who were not doing as well as I expected on their follow-up visit. With both, I had recommended using hot and cold on the inflamed area at least once each day. They had not done this. The 110-degree days may have had something to do […]

Health Articles


  Ellen casually asked me the other day “What causes arthritis?” She was curious because her sister, who is almost 5 years younger, was complaining of arthritis while Ellen has no such complaints. My first response was “What kind of arthritis?” Technically there are over 100 kinds of arthritis and more than 50 million Americans […]

Health Articles

Muscle Bracing

  Last week I spent 12 hours in front of my computer taking a continuing education class on muscle rehabilitation.  Zoom is a wonderful thing in small doses, but 12 hours is a bit longer than my posterior appreciates.  The essence of the class revolved around a physiologic fact that I have appreciated in the […]

Health Articles

Movin’ dem Bones

Have you ever wondered just what it is I really do?  Yes, I am a Doctor of Chiropractic, but that doesn’t really say anything about what I actually am doing when you come in for a visit.  You know from experience that your pain decreases and your function improves, and that is really the point.  […]

Health Articles

Muscle & joint relief

Pain in the muscles and joints is the most common type of pain.  Everyone experiences it at some time.  Although unpleasant, it is a very necessary part of the survival mechanisms built into our bodies.  Without pain we would not know when our body is being injured.  Pain is the signal that tells us to […]

Health Articles

Odd Experience

Hi , I had an odd experience the other day – at least odd for me.  I deal with this in patients, but this is the first time I have experienced it in my own body.  I am talking about a referred pain syndrome.   About three weeks ago I started noticing a pain in […]