Health Articles

Osteoarthritis Action Plan

A couple years ago I wrote a lengthy article on the causes of osteoarthritis. Check it out here. I wish to revisit this subject because, although the article was informative, it was shy on directions as to what to do specifically. Disease conditions are complex with many different factors that come into play in creating disease. I […]

Health Articles


  The number one complaint patients have when they go to their primary doctor is a lack of energy. It used to be that this was the primary complaint of old people, but over the last several decades this has been a primary concern for younger and younger people. Now we hear this as a […]

Health Articles

Ultimate Body Makeover pt. 1

  Generally, the best advice for health-minded individuals is to engage in a lifestyle that supports their health goals over the long run. But sometimes there is a desire for the ever-loved quick fix. Everyone would like a simple and easy fix for whatever health concern they might have, but 99% of the time there […]

Health Articles


  Ellen casually asked me the other day “What causes arthritis?” She was curious because her sister, who is almost 5 years younger, was complaining of arthritis while Ellen has no such complaints. My first response was “What kind of arthritis?” Technically there are over 100 kinds of arthritis and more than 50 million Americans […]

Health Articles

Not Broken

  I am not like a normal doctor.  I do not work on broken people.  In fact, I go to a lot of extra effort testing and diagnosing what is going on with a new patient to determine if something is broken in some way.  Because if there is something broken, I refer them out […]


Leaky Gut, SIBO, & IBS Diet

Leaky Gut, SIBO, & IBS Diet If it’s not on here then don’t eat it! Vegetables Bamboo shoots Bok choy / pak choi Broccoli < ½ c. Cabbage <1 c. Carrots Chives Cucumber Eggplant / aubergine Ginger Green beans/peas ¼ c. Green onions (green part) Lettuce / chard / arugula Olives Parsley Red peppers (red […]


Life Stress Assessment

For all the following check once for “some” and twice for “a lot”. Chemical / Physiologic Stress: I over or under eat O O I have Incomplete digestion / acid indigestion O O I have vitamin / mineral deficiencies O O I have food sensitivities O O I experience sleep cycle disturbance O O I […]

Health Articles

Eye Health

I asked my sister yesterday for a newsletter subject matter idea.  She is the one who edits my newsletters as she actually knows where to put commas and other written communication etiquette.  It’s really nice she allows me to keep my voice even though it’s grammatically foolhardy. In any case,  she suggested eye health.  I […]

Health Articles


I spent all day last Saturday and Sunday parked in front of my computer taking in a Livestream seminar on autoimmunity.  I had to log in at 8:45 and didn’t finish until 5:45 each evening.  The first day was all about how ugly and depressing autoimmunity is.  There is no cure.  There is only management […]

Health Articles


I have been reading the new book just released by Jason Fung, The Longevity Solution.  Jason is the kidney specialist from Toronto I have mentioned to many of you that have blood sugar problems because he has been reversing diabetes through fasting.  Now he has written a book with Dr. DiNicolantonio expanding the amazing results on […]