July 9, 2023 I suspect that most of you do not spend much time thinking about your bile flow. Perhaps if you have ever had gallbladder symptoms it may have crossed your mind […]
Bile Flow

July 9, 2023 I suspect that most of you do not spend much time thinking about your bile flow. Perhaps if you have ever had gallbladder symptoms it may have crossed your mind […]
It has been seven years since I wrote about the subject of freedom. The last time was July 3rd, 2016. A lot has happened since July of 2016, so I thought I would see if my perceptions have changed since way back then. Back then Obama was still president and we were in the throws […]
I was trying to come up with a topic to write about for this newsletter this morning and the subject of niacinamide kept popping up. I have no idea why that would come up other than I had just made up a fresh batch of the nutrient drink powder Ellen and I use daily […]
I am in my fifth decade of service as a chiropractor. As time has progressed, I am noticing that a larger percentage of my patients are over 65 years of age. I notice this because of the kinds of things patients say to me when they describe their symptoms for their current visit. They […]
One of my patients asked me to write an article about kindness. Her concept was we would have a better world if everyone simply applied a little more kindness to others in their daily lives. I let that settle into the back of my mind to see what would ferment. On the surface, this […]
Well, I just hit the button to purchase a new mattress. Yes, I am an armchair shopper. For years I loved going from store to store looking for the best deal and just the right features I wanted. I still like wandering around the Ace Hardware down the street from me just to look […]
For the last several weeks, I have been trying to understand the complexities of how our bodies process sugar and fat. For many years I have been predominately living a low-carb lifestyle thus avoiding any form of sugar and starches. Then a couple of years ago the concept of higher health being achieved through […]
A frequent argument among clinicians treating muscle and joint pain is over which is better, heat or cold therapy. I find this behavior common in many areas of life. People want to know what is the best thing to do in each situation. If we lived in a digital world of just ones and […]
This subject is brought up by the upcoming Mother’s Day holiday. For most people, a relationship with their mother is the first significant relationship they develop. That seems obvious, but the significance is so much more than the simple and obvious. We need to feel significant. It is a core driver of everything in […]
Last week I wrote about feet, and it seemed logical to simply move up a bit and write next about the knees. Next to back and shoulder issues, I probably see more knee problems than any other joints in the body crying out for help. This is not surprising considering the amount of force […]