Health Articles


Scoliosis is a classic Chiropractic subject because many cases of scoliosis respond excellently to Chiropractic adjustments. I have treated many cases over the years. Some of these cases resolved nicely while others didn’t change at all yet the symptoms improved. So today I am going to look at several causes of scoliosis and discuss which […]

Health Articles

Saturated Fat 2

  Saturated fat has been a boogeyman since the late 50s, ever since Ancil Keys decided to blame heart disease and atherosclerosis on saturated fats in his famous 7 countries study. The American medical system and the FDA jumped on his hypothesis and started a massive PR campaign to get people to stop eating saturated […]

Health Articles


  I have been noticing a peculiar trend over the last couple of decades with patients, their temperatures are dropping. Back when I was growing up and through my schooling years the normal temperature of your average human was 98.6 degrees. This is what is still taught in school. Yet when I check patients or […]

Health Articles


  Ellen and I use quite a number of devices and contraptions to support our efforts at keeping well. I thought it might be good to generate a list of what we use and what we use them for to give the newsletter readers self-support options in their own lives. Most of the stuff we […]

Health Articles

Bile Flow

                                            July 9, 2023 I suspect that most of you do not spend much time thinking about your bile flow. Perhaps if you have ever had gallbladder symptoms it may have crossed your mind […]

Health Articles


  Today’s article is about K2. Not the K2 that is the second highest mountain on earth nor the K2 brand of skiing and snowboarding equipment. No, the K2 I am discussing today is a vitally important vitamin that very little is known about. Research is showing us just how important this vitamin is, but […]

Health Articles


  A patient came in the other day saying that he had found a new miracle drug for inflammation – boron!  He had been taking just a few milligrams a day for a week and his knee pain and restriction had completely gone away.  That sounded pretty impressive to me.  I knew of the importance […]

Health Articles

Osteoporosis Bounce

This is the third article on osteoporosis I am writing because some new information about osteoporosis has been revealed in the last couple of years.  I know most of you think about osteoporosis as an old person’s disease since that is when you typically experience the broken hips and collapsed vertebra that this disease is […]

Health Articles

More Protein

We are made of protein.  Protein is the structural element of everything living.  Protein is made out of tiny pieces called amino acids.  They function like Lego blocks and pieces.  With enough pieces you can make just about anything.  Amino acids only contain 10 to 20 atoms each and in the human body there are 22 […]

Health Articles

Osteoporosis Revisited

In my last newsletter I mentioned the idea I had that osteoporosis is really a collagen disease rather than what the mainstream medical community is telling us.  I have been continuing to dig into this subject and I am finding more information.  My initial hit that collagen formation was a critical aspect of osteoporosis appears […]