Health Articles

Osteoarthritis Action Plan

A couple years ago I wrote a lengthy article on the causes of osteoarthritis. Check it out here. I wish to revisit this subject because, although the article was informative, it was shy on directions as to what to do specifically. Disease conditions are complex with many different factors that come into play in creating disease. I […]

Health Articles

Rebuilding Joints

  Can we rebuild the cartilage in our joints once it has started to degenerate away? Most of my readers are over 45. so this is an important question for them. In truth, our joints start wearing down from age 25 on, but usually, we don’t feel it for 20+ years at least, unless we […]

Health Articles

Heat vs. Cold

  A frequent argument among clinicians treating muscle and joint pain is over which is better, heat or cold therapy. I find this behavior common in many areas of life. People want to know what is the best thing to do in each situation. If we lived in a digital world of just ones and […]

Health Articles

Knees 2

  Last week I wrote about feet, and it seemed logical to simply move up a bit and write next about the knees. Next to back and shoulder issues, I probably see more knee problems than any other joints in the body crying out for help. This is not surprising considering the amount of force […]

Health Articles


  Ellen casually asked me the other day “What causes arthritis?” She was curious because her sister, who is almost 5 years younger, was complaining of arthritis while Ellen has no such complaints. My first response was “What kind of arthritis?” Technically there are over 100 kinds of arthritis and more than 50 million Americans […]

Health Articles


  When I see a patient in my office for pain relief, what is the one most common finding I hope is not there? The answer is compression. Typically musculoskeletal back pain comes from some sort of muscle spasm or imbalance. Each of the joints in the spine, of which there are 48, can be […]

Health Articles


  A patient came in the other day saying that he had found a new miracle drug for inflammation – boron!  He had been taking just a few milligrams a day for a week and his knee pain and restriction had completely gone away.  That sounded pretty impressive to me.  I knew of the importance […]