Health Articles


  When I see a patient in my office for pain relief, what is the one most common finding I hope is not there? The answer is compression. Typically musculoskeletal back pain comes from some sort of muscle spasm or imbalance. Each of the joints in the spine, of which there are 48, can be […]

Health Articles

Fiber and Prebiotics

The more I research leaky gut and the development of degenerative disease conditions, the more I run into our gut microbiome as the key player in this whole problem.  The pathways from things like Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, cancer, arthritis, autoimmune disease, and so on keep tracing back to the gut as the starting place for these […]

Health Articles


As most of you know by now, a major focus of my life for many years now has been chronic gut dysfunction as a cause of most degenerative diseases we see in America today.  The underlying issue is the Western diet and lifestyle.  In fact a study just released this week concludes that the “Western […]

Health Articles

Lectin Free Eating

Our latest adventure is exploring the world of lectin free eating.  What are lectins?  Lectins are the defense mechanisms plants have developed to keep us from eating their babies (seeds).  Since plants can’t really fight or run away from all the creatures that want to eat them, they developed poisons to discourage animals and insects […]

Health Articles


A very modern phenomenon that has become oh so popular is snacking.  Until the late 1800’s consuming any food that did not require proper utensils was considered uncouth and unhygienic.  Snack foods did not establish themselves until the development of modern packaging.  Logos and labels that folks trusted carried the image of respectability and cleanliness. […]

Health Articles

Fruit – Angel or Devil?

 One of my fondest memories of when I was growing up was going wild blackberry picking late in the summer in the big berry patches behind our house.  We would take a long piece of lumber and drop it into the patch and then carefully walk out onto the lumber to reach the really good […]