Health Articles

Exercise Dose

  My last newsletter concentrated on exercise variety as a vital key to maintaining our health over the years. Compared to sitting at a desk, or sitting in a vehicle, or just sitting on the couch, any exercise is better than none. In my experience with patients who do get regular exercise, they usually have […]

Health Articles


  A patient came in the other day saying that he had found a new miracle drug for inflammation – boron!  He had been taking just a few milligrams a day for a week and his knee pain and restriction had completely gone away.  That sounded pretty impressive to me.  I knew of the importance […]

Health Articles


  Do you have nerve issues?  Do some of them not work right?  If so, then you likely have neuropathy.  Really, the word neuropathy means pathology of the nerve.  Generally, when doctors talk about neuropathy, they are referring to the nerves that run all over the body, and not the brain and spinal cord.  These […]

Health Articles

Linoleic Acid

  Linoleic acid may sound like some weird chemical you might think you have never consumed.  But the truth is the average American has 15 to 20% of the calories in their diet coming from linoleic acid.  Compare that to 150 years ago when the average consumption was 1 – 3%.  Linoleic acid is the […]

Health Articles


  Autophagy, what is autophagy?  This word is bouncing around the internet more and more these days as something good for health, but just what is it?  The word itself gives us a clue.  Auto means self and phagy means eating, so self-eating.  It literally means the process of eating ourselves.  That sounds strange until you consider that there are no graveyards in […]

Health Articles

More Protein

We are made of protein.  Protein is the structural element of everything living.  Protein is made out of tiny pieces called amino acids.  They function like Lego blocks and pieces.  With enough pieces you can make just about anything.  Amino acids only contain 10 to 20 atoms each and in the human body there are 22 […]

Health Articles


I have been reading the new book just released by Jason Fung, The Longevity Solution.  Jason is the kidney specialist from Toronto I have mentioned to many of you that have blood sugar problems because he has been reversing diabetes through fasting.  Now he has written a book with Dr. DiNicolantonio expanding the amazing results on […]

Health Articles


Last week I was scanning various Internet medical news feeds looking for good items to put in the newsletter when I came across a study of cancer recurrence in breast cancer survivors in relation to eating patterns.  Specifically the study was looking to see if the timing of one’s eating pattern had any effect on […]

Health Articles


I went to my favorite Asian market the other day because I ran out of fish sauce.  I really like fish sauce for so many different dishes.  While there I went down the mushroom isle (yes they have a whole section just for mushrooms) and decided that I really needed to try all their different […]

Health Articles

Taking Out the Trash

  Have you noticed how much effort it takes these days to stay healthy?  When I was a little kid diabetes was a rare almost unheard of disease.  We all knew about heart attacks, but nobody my parents or their parents knew had had one.  Cancer was not even a word that was in the […]