Health Articles

Fighting Aging

  One of my patients, Debbie, asked if I would do a newsletter on how to fight aging.  Her thought was 10 Tips for Fighting Aging.  That sounded like a great idea, so I started tackling the subject.  I quickly noticed, as I started writing down ideas, that this is actually a very complex subject.  There […]

Health Articles


  As of this date, there are over 130 research studies underway on the effects of the ketogenic diet.  Despite all sorts of so-called experts claiming that a keto diet could be dangerous, the reality is showing all of these claims to be false.  None of the supposed dangers are showing up in lab tests […]

Health Articles

Linoleic Acid

  Linoleic acid may sound like some weird chemical you might think you have never consumed.  But the truth is the average American has 15 to 20% of the calories in their diet coming from linoleic acid.  Compare that to 150 years ago when the average consumption was 1 – 3%.  Linoleic acid is the […]

Health Articles


  What is the most common nutrient deficiency in the US?  As you might guess from the title of this article, the answer is iron.  While half of Americans do not get enough magnesium, actual clinical deficiency is rare.  Not so with iron.  A big part of this deficiency issue is the move away from […]

Health Articles


  Today’s article is a philosophical piece, so it will contain a lot of individual perspectives based on personal experience and conjecture.  My life is dominantly that of a philosopher, always curious and always contemplating what if.  Why am I that way?  It is because I love wisdom.  Philo means loving and sophia means wisdom.  I […]

Health Articles

Hot or Cold?

  A couple of weeks ago I noticed a bit of tenderness in my left low back.  Initially, I ignored it, but it didn’t go away.  I had not done anything that would cause an issue in that region, yet it was a bit uncomfortable.  Finally, I checked the low back with muscle testing, much […]

Health Articles


  What is collagen and why are so many people taking it?  Simply put, collagen is a type of protein your body uses to make skin, bones, joints, organs, and hair. It is the stuff that holds everything together.  Those of us sneaking up on aging are well aware of how our stuff does not […]

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Health Articles


  Did you know that gallbladder removal surgery is one of the most common surgeries performed in the United States?  Every year hundreds of thousands of patients have their gallbladders removed.  What’s up with that?  Clearly, gallbladders are not designed to suddenly crap out and go bad, and yet our doctors believe this is happening.  […]

Health Articles

Feeling Body

  I spent last weekend at an educational seminar on autoimmune disease.  This was a bit different than previous seminars which focused on the endocrinology and neurology of autoimmune disorders.  This seminar took things to a whole different level and looked at why autoimmune disorders happen in the first place and what we can do […]