Health Articles


  What is collagen and why are so many people taking it?  Simply put, collagen is a type of protein your body uses to make skin, bones, joints, organs, and hair. It is the stuff that holds everything together.  Those of us sneaking up on aging are well aware of how our stuff does not […]

Health Articles


Ellen bought an online program for helping her osteoporosis last week.  This put the whole subject of osteoporosis into my head for a bit.  Then I read an article on protein requirements for humans relative to the whole paleo movement – more fodder for my brain.  Something in that article kept rolling around in the […]

Health Articles

Hormone Testing

Hormones are pretty important.   They are chemical messengers that control most of the physiologic processes that happen in your body.  Hormones tell your body when to grow and when not to grow.  They control healing and how fast you age.  Hormones directly regulate your brain neurotransmitters. Low hormone levels means low transmitters and the […]