Health Articles


  What is the number one complaint patients have when they go into their doctor? Tiredness. Lack of energy is the biggest complaint folks have on their routine exams. Sometimes this is due to anemia like iron poor blood or low vitamin B12 levels, which shows up on your routine blood tests. But most of […]

Health Articles


  You know that feeling where you gotta go and you don’t know if you are going to make it to the toilet?  Or on the other side of the road, it is day three and you still have not gotten that joyful release from your colon?  How about abdominal cramping and gas that doubles […]

Health Articles


  Last weekend I went to a seminar titled Building a Better Brain.  The seminar email said that it was about how to treat Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline.  The lecturer was a kick-ass gal from Georgia who really knew her stuff.  More importantly, she was in actual clinical practice dealing with real patients every day.  This […]

Health Articles

Nutrition for Mental Health part 1

  Last weekend I went to a nutrition class focused on how to address nutritional causes of mental health issues.  It was excellent.  It took a lot of the knowledge I already had and extended it in ways I had not thought of before.  Simple little strategies that anyone can do at home can make […]

Health Articles

Why High Cholesterol?

  I have had several patients come in recently concerned about their cholesterol levels being high.  The cholesterol bogeyman has raised its head again in these Covid virus times since the biggest co-factor that contributes to poor outcomes with a bout of Covid is metabolic syndrome, and high cholesterol is often part of the metabolic […]


Life Stress Assessment

For all the following check once for “some” and twice for “a lot”. Chemical / Physiologic Stress: I over or under eat O O I have Incomplete digestion / acid indigestion O O I have vitamin / mineral deficiencies O O I have food sensitivities O O I experience sleep cycle disturbance O O I […]

Health Articles

Stress Gut

Most of us have had the experience of getting all stressed out and having that stress upset our stomach or gut.  It might make us get all bloated, or produce acid indigestion, or maybe actual nausea.  This might last a couple of hours or affect us all night long.  What we may be missing is […]

Health Articles

Ileocecal Valve

  How many times each day do I work on someone’s low back problem?  This is the most common reason folks come into my office for care.  The thing is, often times the real problem is not the low back at all.  The pain is in the low back, but the cause may be further […]

Health Articles

What kills us

I was cruising the internet the other day (not a novel experience) when I came across what appeared to be an alarming announcement.  The statement was that it is expected that by the time this covid 19 has run its​​​​​​​ course, some 9 million people will have died from this bug worldwide.  This sounds like […]

Health Articles


Meditation is a powerful technique that we can use to benefit our health.  However, there is a lot of well-meaning but misguided fluff attached to the whole subject.  I thought it would be useful to separate the fluff from the substance with this subject to help you decide whether meditation is right or useful to […]