Health Articles


Did you know that we human beings are like hybrid cars – part of us runs on chemical fuel and part of us runs on electricity? Just like some hybrid cars our chemical fuel constantly runs to turn a generator called the electron transport chain inside our mitochondria to produce electrical energy which is stored […]

Health Articles

Blood Sugar Imbalance

Last week I focused on the fundamental need for every cell in the body to have a good supply of oxygen-carrying blood. The oxygen is needed by the energy factories inside our cells (the mitochondria) to turn food (fats and sugars) into chemical energy (ATP). Today we are taking the next step and looking at […]

Health Articles


  The number one complaint patients have when they go to their primary doctor is a lack of energy. It used to be that this was the primary complaint of old people, but over the last several decades this has been a primary concern for younger and younger people. Now we hear this as a […]

Health Articles

Saturated Fat 2

  Saturated fat has been a boogeyman since the late 50s, ever since Ancil Keys decided to blame heart disease and atherosclerosis on saturated fats in his famous 7 countries study. The American medical system and the FDA jumped on his hypothesis and started a massive PR campaign to get people to stop eating saturated […]

Health Articles

Methylene Blue

  If you find yourself wandering around health websites or watching videos on the latest wonder nutrient, you may have encountered methylene blue. I had run across it about a dozen times before I decided to try some for myself. But it was only yesterday that I came across the dosing protocol for using it […]

Health Articles


  Boy, this sounds like a scary newsletter. The title literally says fat poisoning. From what I have been researching, it is very scary and very common. When I say common, I mean two-thirds of us probably have this. This nastiness is one of the underlying causes of obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. This is […]

Health Articles

Whole food

  Here is an amazing statistic I heard in a podcast — 70% of the dollars spent in the US for healthcare are spent on diseases that are caused by the Standard American Diet. We are talking about type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular disease, cancer, dementia, fatty liver, polycystic ovarian disease, […]

Health Articles

Aging Gracefully

  I am in my fifth decade of service as a chiropractor. As time has progressed, I am noticing that a larger percentage of my patients are over 65 years of age. I notice this because of the kinds of things patients say to me when they describe their symptoms for their current visit. They […]

Health Articles

Cyclic Rejuvenation

  A week ago Ellen and I had some lab work done to check our fasting insulin and hemoglobin A1c. We regularly test our blood sugar and ketones at home with a finger stick blood test. There is no at-home test for insulin, but I just found out there is a new at-home test for […]

Health Articles

Use It

  One of the favorite health expressions that get tossed about a lot is the ever-popular use-it-or-lose it.  Generally, this trope is used in reference to your muscles where reality is easily observable.  It is easy to see on yourself when you slack off on your exercise regime and your muscle tone goes to crap.  […]