Health Articles

Cyclic Rejuvenation

  A week ago Ellen and I had some lab work done to check our fasting insulin and hemoglobin A1c. We regularly test our blood sugar and ketones at home with a finger stick blood test. There is no at-home test for insulin, but I just found out there is a new at-home test for […]


Strengthening your back

A surprisingly large number of the low back cases I see each week are because the patient’s back is simply not strong enough to support them during stressful activities.  Very small percentages are due to actual injuries like slips and falls or auto accidents.  About 30% are not even a back problem, but a gut […]



SIBO, what’s that – a new app for my phone?  If only, no SIBO stands for Small Intestine Bacterial Overload, and it is becoming a serious problem for us.  Last week I wrote about bloating.  At the end of the article I talked about a bloating pattern that happens 3 to 4 hours after you […]