Health Articles


We had a little Octoberfest party in the court in our neighborhood this past weekend. Everybody in the neighborhood brought a pot luck dish and we all sat around in a big circle chatting while the kids rode bikes and played basketball.  Phil, my across the street neighbor, has one of those commercial snow cone […]

Health Articles

What Went Wrong?

How did my body get where it is today?  What went wrong?  I have been health conscious forever and yet here I am with food sensitivities up the wazoo and a leaky gut generating unnecessary weight gain and limiting my energy abundance.  My health efforts have not been completely in vain as the average American […]

Health Articles

Lectins 2017

As I started researching rejuvenation techniques associated with fasting in preparation for the booklet I am writing outlining how to rejuvenate your body, I kept running across references to plant lectins as serious disruptors of our health.  The average person has heard about lectins from the books by Dr. Peter D’Adamo like “Eat Right for […]

Health Articles

Bloat Revisited

Few things are as frustrating to many of my patients as the mysterious abdominal bloat that comes and goes.  Bloating is one of those symptoms that is hard to quantify.  For some people it is feeling of a too full belly, for others it is abdominal distention that comes on suddenly, and for others it […]

Health Articles

Starch – friend or foe?

Is starch good for you, or bad for you?  The question is not really about starch, but about you.  Look around, everyone you see and know all look different.  Check out who is wandering around the grocery store and notice the huge diversity of body shapes and sizes.  We are all different on the inside […]

Health Articles

Individuality and Nutrition

The cornerstone of nutritional science is the belief that scientific studies can determine what is best for you to eat.  In science observing what happens to a single individual is considered basically worthless.  It is called anecdotal evidence.  Real science is concerned with studies on large populations of people or lab animals, because science wants […]

Health Articles


I love pizza.  The hot oozing melted cheese, the run-down-your-face spicy meat juices, the yummy crust – it is all good.  I have one problem though – my body does not like pizza ingredients.  The essence of pizza is bread dough and cheese.  Everything else is flexible.  And it is precisely the bread dough and […]

Health Articles

Brain Allergies

Do you ever have food cravings…urges for a particular food that makes you feel better even when you are full?  Have you experienced eating a favorite food only to end up hungrier than before you ate it?  Do you have any foods that you really can’t imagine going days or weeks without? If you answer […]