Health Articles

Trace Minerals

A patient asked me the other day, What are trace minerals? With this question, I realized that I have never addressed this in my newsletters. Since we would all die without trace minerals, this may be an important topic to cover. So our first consideration is what distinguishes trace minerals from regular/macro minerals? Macro minerals […]

Health Articles


I like to pick subject matter for my newsletters from real issues patients bring to me. Over the past two weeks, I have had several patients bring me lab work showing that they have anemia. The confusing thing is that the exact type or cause of the anemia has not been obvious from the lab […]

Health Articles

Liver Health

Over the last month, I have noticed that I have had dry itchy eyes. Normally I would think this is a typical response to pollen. But there are two problems with this answer, I have never had hay fever before and we are past the pollen season. Additionally, my symptoms do not change with my […]

Health Articles


I have been super excited the last couple of weeks over the discovery of what appears to be a new essential nutrient for human health. To put a context around that, it has been over 75 years since the last such discovery: vitamin B12. Essential means that if we do not get enough of the […]

Health Articles


One of my favorite simple observations is that truth is abundant; it is everywhere. The challenge is to find relevance. The sun appears to rise in the east and set in the west. This is a truth worldwide. But is this relevant to what is important to you right this moment? Probably not. Millions of […]

Health Articles

New Technique !

Last weekend I wanted pizza for dinner. Pizza is a challenge when you are eating a keto diet. Making a good crust takes a lot of work, more work than I wanted to go through at that time. I recalled an experiment I did several years ago making a pizza crust simply by rolling out […]

Health Articles

Blood Sugar Imbalance

Last week I focused on the fundamental need for every cell in the body to have a good supply of oxygen-carrying blood. The oxygen is needed by the energy factories inside our cells (the mitochondria) to turn food (fats and sugars) into chemical energy (ATP). Today we are taking the next step and looking at […]

Health Articles

Anemia Test

The world of health is vast. Entire libraries are filled with books focusing on tiny aspects of how the body works and what happens when it fails to work properly. The amount of information is truly overwhelming, and it keeps getting added to every day. If you want to get a glimpse into what I […]

Health Articles

Basil Seeds

A few years back, Chia seeds hit the market as the new superfood for the health-conscious consumer. I remember when they first got marketed as a food product in this area. I had the same reaction as many other people that remember them from the early 80s when Chia Pets were a thing. “Oh how […]

Health Articles

Autophagy Diet

    The week before last Ellen and I did a 5-day autophagy diet. We began on Sunday afternoon and ended with breakfast the following Saturday. For those five and a half days we ate no protein, no carbs or sugars, and very little fat. The idea is to eat just fiber with a little […]