Health Articles

Two Faced

  Most people are not aware that sugar has two faces to it — one side that can actually be helpful to the body and another side that is destructive to the body. When we look at sugar we see pretty white crystals of lovely sweetness. But hidden beneath that crystalline deliciousness, you find that […]

Health Articles

Not Broken

  I am not like a normal doctor.  I do not work on broken people.  In fact, I go to a lot of extra effort testing and diagnosing what is going on with a new patient to determine if something is broken in some way.  Because if there is something broken, I refer them out […]

Health Articles

Thanksgiving again

  It’s that time of year again; time for feasting with friends and family in a communal appreciation for those friends and family.  These people in our lives give us a sense of meaning and purpose beyond simply surviving and acquiring the latest cool gadgets. Family belonging fills a special part of our core being […]

Health Articles

Use It

  One of the favorite health expressions that get tossed about a lot is the ever-popular use-it-or-lose it.  Generally, this trope is used in reference to your muscles where reality is easily observable.  It is easy to see on yourself when you slack off on your exercise regime and your muscle tone goes to crap.  […]

Health Articles

Protein Powders

  The other day I was asking my son what health topic I could write about that would be relevant to him.  He suggested an article about protein powders since he does a protein smoothie every day.  He wanted to know the best ones and the ones he should avoid.  We got sidetracked for a moment when […]

Health Articles


  What is wisdom?  When I look it up in the dictionary I get a woefully inadequate definition:  Having the quality of being wise.  Now that is completely useless!  Let’s try the next line:  Knowledge of what is true and right coupled with just judgment as to action.  Again useless as truth, righteousness, and justice are entirely culturally […]

Health Articles

Uric Acid

  What do fatty liver, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart attacks, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, insulin resistance, obesity, high blood pressure, and gouty arthritis all have in common?  Uric acid!  For the last hundred years, uric acid has been largely ignored by the medical profession unless you showed up with the symptoms of gout.  The classic […]

Health Articles


  Beginning two and one-half weeks ago Ellen and I started a fast.  In this case, we were using the guidelines I created a while back for a green fast.  We have been consuming nothing other than leafy greens, cauliflower, celery, jicama, avocado, coconut, olives, spices, vinegars, and powdered nutrients.  The objective is to mimic […]

Health Articles

Helpful Stress

  Life is full of so much health-destroying stress, so how can stress be helpful?  Everything is telling us we need to reduce stress in order to get healthy.  Well, guess what, there is such a thing as helpful stress.  Not all stress is bad for us.  Life is a balancing act on all levels.  […]

Health Articles


  As I am writing this, I am celebrating my 69th birthday.  Today felt like a good time to solidify my thoughts on love.  I have avoided using the word love in my writings or conversations for a long time.  It has always seemed like the word only invites confusion as everyone seems to have a […]