Lately, I have been experimenting with a cyclic eating program that recognizes two of the very different needs our body has. The human body operates in cycles, like the waves of a roller coaster. Most of us have heard of our daily cycle, the circadian rhythm. And everyone is aware of the monthly cycles […]
Gut Health
Probably the most common issue I find patients complaining about besides their back pain is gut problems. This is not surprising as finding healthy foods to eat on a regular basis is getting pretty darn difficult. Even knowing what foods are healthy is becoming a mystical science. Unfortunately, the usual sources we used to […]
Dealing with Fear
One of the challenges everyone has to face from time to time is dealing with fear. I have written many articles on the impact of stress on the body and our health. I don’t know if I have written about how to deal with the most common cause of stress, fear. Many other causes […]
I have been bumping up against this challenge in lots of folks lately. Most recently I went up to my mother’s house to help her celebrate her 93rd birthday. Her older sister, Sylvia, was there as well. I had brought up dinner and a keto angel food cake for the occasion. In the two hours […]
40 Hz Light for brain
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Today’s article is about K2. Not the K2 that is the second highest mountain on earth nor the K2 brand of skiing and snowboarding equipment. No, the K2 I am discussing today is a vitally important vitamin that very little is known about. Research is showing us just how important this vitamin is, but […]
2023 is upon us. We have had a week to recover from the holiday season. Clearly, winter is in full swing. We have not had this much winter weather in quite a while. It feels like Mother Nature is washing away the last several years of accumulated grime from our streets and psyches. Winter […]
Today we celebrate the beginning of a new year. One of the classic traditions for the first day of the new year is to establish a set of goals for the upcoming year. Typically these include health goals — our so-called New Year’s resolutions. The idea is to start off the year on a […]
Pretty Dream
The sentiments of the holiday season prompt me to wax philosophic about the nature of life here on planet earth. Looking at what is said on Christmas cards and in holiday messages, it seems as though we have figured out a huge truth. The true purpose of life is to love. As corny as […]
Common Low Back Patterns
I was bending over the tub this morning preparing to give Ellen her bath when I noticed a tender soreness across my low back on both sides. Now I don’t normally have back pain, so I pay immediate attention to any pain signals I get. I learned to do this the hard way. Several […]