Health Articles

Flu Season

It is officially here – flu season.  I have had a few people here and they’re showing up with the occasional flu bug.  But the real flu season begins about two weeks before Halloween with the first four bags of Halloween candy that you picked up at the store.  After all, the bags have been […]

Health Articles

Safer Starch

Starches are problematic for the majority of people, but they are still the major food source for those same people.  This planet could not sustain its current population if we were to all turn Paleo and eat a diet based primarily on meat.  While this may be a good health choice for some people, it […]

Health Articles

More Starch Problems

Starchy foods have been a mainstay of the human diet for thousands of years.  For many people starchy foods provide their primary source of affordable calories each day.  While starches are a bad idea for a sizable portion of the population, they are very usable for the larger percentage of folks. Remember, we are all […]

Health Articles


Doughnuts joyfully embrace their role as one of the most toxic fresh foods on the planet.   Nobody in his or her right mind even pretends that eating a doughnut is good for you on any level.  Doughnuts are basically bleached white flour, sugar, and rancid oil – yum.  Why oh why do they taste […]

Health Articles

Food Swap

Food meets a lot of needs.  Our thinking brain tells us that we need food for nutrition – to give us energy and the building blocks to build and repair tissues.  While this is completely true, it has very little to do with why most people eat food.  If it did we would only eat […]

Health Articles


I was researching the impact of sugar on the body when I came across an article that blew me away.  It was a study published in the Endocrine Society journal on the impact of sugar on male testosterone levels.  Currently testosterone levels are typically tested in the morning when levels are the highest with a […]

Health Articles

Sugar Genes

50,000 years ago humans lived in a state of dietary insecurity.  Agriculture had not been developed yet so food supply was determined by whatever was available with each season.  For humans living in Europe and north Asia winter was a time of almost no food at all.  To survive you had to live off of […]

Health Articles

Faulty Medical Beliefs

Hi , As consumers we look to medical “experts” to advise us as to how to stay healthy.  Unfortunately becoming an expert is not based on wisdom or knowledge, but on promoting a strong opinion and getting others to believe you.  Strong opinions do not come from truth or wisdom, but from ignorance.  Opinions are […]

Health Articles

Gimme the Sugar part 1

I love sugar, but sugar does not love me.  Sweet is the first taste we experience from our mother’s milk.  We are hardwired to seek out the sweet taste.  In nature, sweet taste is almost a guarantee that the food we are about to eat is safe.  But we are not in nature anymore.  Sweet is not […]

Health Articles

Fruit – Angel or Devil?

 One of my fondest memories of when I was growing up was going wild blackberry picking late in the summer in the big berry patches behind our house.  We would take a long piece of lumber and drop it into the patch and then carefully walk out onto the lumber to reach the really good […]